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Noelle Hunt

Toronto, ON CANADA

Day of the Dead Skull #1

Art: Day of the Dead Skull #1 by Artist Noelle Hunt
Having lived in Mexico as a small child I have always been fascinated by "the Day of the Dead" and the joy with which the skeleton and skull images are used. The idea of a sweet sugary treat wrapped in such a morbid image appeals to me immensely.

Though the subject matter may be considered morbid from the perspective of some other cultures, celebrants typically approach the Day of the Dead joyfully, and though it occurs at the same time as Halloween, All Saints' Day and All Souls Day, the traditional mood is much brighter with emphasis on celebrating and honoring the lives of the deceased, and celebrating the continuation of life; the belief is not that death is the end, but rather the beginning of a new stage in life.

Some people believe the spirits of the dead eat the "spiritual essence" of the ofrenda food, so even though the celebrators eat the food after the festivity, they believe it lacks nutritional value.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Day of the Dead Skull #1


Detail Image for art Day of the Dead Skull #1


Detail Image for art Day of the Dead Skull #1


Detail Image for art Day of the Dead Skull #1


Detail Image for art Day of the Dead Skull #1



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