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Madeline Carol Matz

Chicago, Illinois USA

The North Wind and the Sun

Art: The North Wind and the Sun by Artist Madeline  Carol Matz
The North Wind and the Sun to decide who was the stronger of the two. The challenge was set to make a passing traveler uncloak. However hard the North Wind blew at the traveler, the latter only wrapped himself tighter. But when the Sun shone with warmth, the traveler was overcome with heat and had to take his cloak off. The moral: Persuasion is better than force.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art The North Wind and the Sun

The North Wind tries mightily to blow of the man's coat...

Detail Image for art The North Wind and the Sun

the man onlt clutches his coat all the tighter...

Detail Image for art The North Wind and the Sun

the Sun laughs knowing all he has to do is burn brighter to win the bet!


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