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Leanne Wildermuth

Quad Cities, IL USA

Omniscient Observation

Art: Omniscient Observation by Artist Leanne Wildermuth
"Who is watching? Why would they watch me? I have to be the most un-interesting person on the planet! Ok well apparently not to this person, who thought enough about what I was doing and how I go about my daily life to tear a big hole in the universe just to catch a glimpse. Is it someone you know? Is it Him? Why do they have to watch?! It makes me feel so vulnerable. Naked. And if this person has the ability to rip through a layer of sky, what else might they be able to do? What do they see that I can't hide - behind closed doors - through walls? Can they see inside my soul? I wonder what they think of what they see there. Maybe if I behave differently, as if this person is always watching, just maybe they'll stop watching. Or maybe they'll say something and tell me who they are. "

The thought behind it, in line with the prospectus, is how the psyche thinks of watching and being watched. Not necessarily "peeping", but ultimately, as we go about our daily activities, I believe we are all being watched by a higher power. Even when we think that we are alone, we aren't. To me, this represents an explanation of why we watch other people, and why it is so fascinating to us.

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