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Emily J White

Amherst, MA USA

Fenton - a monster

Art: Fenton - a monster by Artist Emily J White
I seem to be a little tired of painting people and general fantasy creatures lately. I have switched gears for a bit and am working on some fun monsters! This one is "Fenton"- a wee firebug- looks like he would burn you if you picked him up, could you resist?

"Fenton" is an original mixed media creation- I've used acrylic paints, assorted papers, inks, and acrylic clearcoat on a 5" x 7" masonite panel. He is initialed on the front; full signature, title, and date are on the back. Sealed, wired, and ready to hang (or frame). Very much looking for a fun and loving home, where he can properly do his job of making smiles!
Watermark is for online display purposes only, and will not appear on the actual art!

"Fenton" is currently available for purchase HERE in my zombietoes etsy shop!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Fenton - a monster



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