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Emily J White

Amherst, MA USA

Bun Bun the Clown

Art: Bun Bun the Clown by Artist Emily J White
"Bun Bun the Clown" original mixed media rabbit painting (11" x 7")

Meet Bun Bun- a white rabbit clown!  From the look on Bun Bun's face, he might have coulrophobia, or maybe he's just about to sneeze.You'll have to ask him!

"Bun Bun the Clown" is an original mixed media painting, created in acrylic paints, inks, and cotton paper on masonite.  This piece measures 11" x 7"; it is initialed on the front, and my full signature, title, and date are on the back.  Watermark does not appear on the actual art.
Sealed, wired, and ready to hang!

The original piece is available for purchase HERE in my darklingemily etsy shop!

Detail Image

Detail Image for art Bun Bun the Clown



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