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Dorothy Edwards

Sacramento, CA USA

Five Face Lamp (sold)

Art: Five Face Lamp (sold) by Artist Dorothy Edwards
I was doing my usual thrift store treasure hunting when I found this silver elegant lamp without a shade. I kind of pictured it with a chinese hat looking shade, but when I found this shade at the Habitat for Humanity's ReStore I knew I had found a winner.

I had been talking about doing some of the funky faces I draw on 6" x 4" tiles and then mounting them together for display. Since I had this 10 panel glass shade in approximately the size I wanted, I decided to do the faces on the panels of the shade.

There are five different faces and five asparagus type shapes. Some folks may say they look more phallic than aspargus-like, but I say to them "Get your mind out of the gutter.". The asparagus shapes are in yellow, orange, red, blue and green stained glass. The background glass on the panels are in a rich purple mixed with a violet/brown glass.

I adhered the stained glass to the glass panels with silicone adhesive and grouted with black grout.

This piece was donated for the charity auction benefiting C.A.R.E.S. The charity auction is to be held at "A Night at the Oscars" sponsored in part by Phoenix Gallery & Framing, Phone/Fax: (916) 447-1632, 1801 L Street #211 (at 18th and L), Sacramento, CA 95814. $600

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Five Face Lamp (sold)

Detail Image for art Five Face Lamp (sold)

Detail Image for art Five Face Lamp (sold)


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