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Christian Mengele

United States


Art: WILL TO POWER / DER WILLE ZUR MACHT by Artist Christian Mengele
Der Wille zur Macht is ein Gedanke Friedrich Nietzsches, der von ihm zum ersten Mal in Also sprach Zarathustra vorgestellt und in allen nachfolgenden Büchern zumindest am Rande erwähnt wird. Seine Anfänge liegen in den psychologischen Analysen des menschlichen Machtwillens in der Aphorismensammlung Morgenröte. Nietzsche führte ihn in seinen nachgelassenen Notizbüchern ab etwa 1885 umfassender aus. The latest entry in my Nietzschean series. The Will to Power is a reference to the idea of Friedrich Nietzsche, which first appeared in Also Spake Zarathustra, and all his subsequent works. The will to power describes what Nietzsche believed to be the main driving force in man; achievement, ambition, the striving to reach the highest possible position in life, these are all manifestations of the will to power. This painting is influenced by this concept, although I personally disagree with the use of power to dominate others. I believe that those who seek nothing but power over others are in reality enslaving themselves and living life second-hand.


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