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Christian Mengele

United States

Smoke Screen

Art: Smoke Screen by Artist Christian Mengele
"On Friday, 08-08-08, news were released that US-backed Georgia attacked Russia. Americans were confused and thought that Russians attacked the state of Georgia. Mainstream news tried to cover up the news with the usual spin and the smokescreen news started. Where will it lead? Who knows. The neocons in charge have lost all sense, and they never cared for the people they murdered. This painting is us. Not just the brain-damaged Americans who drank too much fluoride and took all those mercury-loaded vaccines, but also those of us who've awakened and demand we be heard. This painting is my voice of dissent. The way we are going, a nuclear holocaust is NOT impossible. If the truth is hidden behind the smokescreen the government is spraying through mainstream media, I just hope we won't end up in a sea of ashes. " - Christian Mengele, 8 August 2008


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