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Carmen Medlin

California USA

Atmospheric Memory

Art: Atmospheric Memory by Artist Carmen Medlin
A little girl stands transfixed by awe as a sunset renders the air pure gold, and a triple rainbow stretches across the sky. This painting is based upon one of my favorite memories from my own childhood; I’ll always remember it as the day I saw three rainbows, and it felt at the time like I was the only one in the world who saw it. This sense of awe is the part of childhood that I treasure and still seek to preserve in all of my artwork and the way I look at life. I chose to work with colored pencil and acrylic in addition to my usual watercolors because when I was little my mom let my brother and I play with all of her professional art supplies (and usually ruin her poor brushes!); including Prismacolor pencils and acrylic paints, since those are her favorite mediums. Being allowed to experiment with good quality art materials as a child was a huge part of my formation as an artist!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Atmospheric Memory

Detail Image for art Atmospheric Memory

Detail Image for art Atmospheric Memory


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