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Camille Meeker Turner

Joplin,MO USA

pink poodle 006

This piece of art appeared as Art of the Day on 7/16/2012

Art: pink poodle 006 by Artist Camille Meeker Turner
Up for auction this week is a PINK poodle!  This little one represents the first in a series of poodles I'll be offering, for simplicity sake, I'll call it the "Rainbow Collection".   Over the course of time I'll be creating poodles in a variety of colors, but this first one is the most beautiful shades of cotton candy pink that I dyed at home, it looks good enough to eat!  This was first carefully sculpted in high quality polymer clay, painted and glossed the tiny details then carefully applied the 100% baby alpaca fiber in thin layers.  I  meticulously trimmed and shaped the fiber into a nice foo-foo cut typical of a pampered poodle.  I used a small amount of pastel to bring out the facial detail and also some in the recessed areas to give it depth.  It's easy to forget that the poodle is a highly intelligent working dog with a lot of heart!  This will arrive with a signed, dated and numbered certificate of authenticity that may be verified through the ebsq site. This would make a great addition to your original dollhouse or poodle collection!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art pink poodle 006

pink poodle 003ebsq.jpg

Detail Image for art pink poodle 006


Detail Image for art pink poodle 006

pink poodle 013.JPG


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