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Art: Selfie Wanted by Artist Alma Lee
I thought real hard for a couple of weeks on this one.  When I saw Selfie as the theme for this month's contest I thought what in the world are we supposed to do with that? I tried a couple of different directions and nothing seem to work. Then it hit me one day while out and about doing my "drive by shootings" and taking a couple of snapshots of funny billboards. How would I a selfie for someone who never met me. If I posted a billboard on this subject, what would my selfie say? You be the judge, you who have never met me...what will you say about me now?  Careful no talking behind my back.

About this art:
size 9x12"
media: digital illustration and photography
subject: selfie

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Selfie Wanted

selfie wanted cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Selfie Wanted

selfie wanted cup 1.jpg


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