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Art: Nandina in a Vase by Artist Alma Lee
Nandina what a lovely creature
the queen of all seasons
color being it major feature
it's beauty almost beyond reason

Nandina is a lovely creature. Certainly it has more punch in the color category compared to most shrubs.Until this contest I knew nothing about it, now the more I look the more I what to plant it outside my house.

This art was created in ArtMatic 5 (fractal generation) and CS6 with the onOne extention and CS6 (final image placement and illustration)

About this art:
media: digital illustration with fractal incorporation
size: 13.75"x15"
subject: Nadina plant
Style: surrealism, fractal botanical

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Nandina in a Vase

nandina fractal lr.jpg

Detail Image for art Nandina in a Vase

nandina fractal cup.jpg

Detail Image for art Nandina in a Vase

nandina fractal cup 1.jpg


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