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Alma Lee

Wisconsin United States

My Day at the Beach

Art: My Day at the Beach by Artist Alma Lee
So I call with a crack in my voice
I said I felt sick and could not work
I felt bad but then I hadn't a choice!
The sun was shining across my sheets
blinded it called my name
come out and play in the water and beach

So they told me they hoped I felt better
without accusation or speech
see you tomorrow with your Dr's excuse 
Lucky My Dr's hobby is painting on the beach
I ran into him there, and I am now his muse

This is a 20x20" oil painting done in impressionism style. Painted wet on wet with both brush and palette knife.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art My Day at the Beach

My Day at the Beach cup.jpg

Detail Image for art My Day at the Beach

My Day at the Beach cup 2.jpg


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