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Scotia, NY USA

Kissing the Shadows

Art: Kissing the Shadows by Artist Aja
This painting in thick, knife painted oil, precise and sharp ink, and airy, shimmery sprayed enamel depicts a vibrant and bold landscape in deep reds, bright yellows and oranges, rich browns and blacks, and metallic copper tones with contrasting greens through the water and shoreline to create visual buzz. The background is spray painted copper, gold, brown, white, and red gloss enamel with hints of blue here and there to make the atmosphere "shimmer" a bit in different lighting. The trees and were drawn in deep black ink for precision creating a visually buzzing mixed media creation for you to enjoy! On the front page of Etsy 4/2007

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Kissing the Shadows

Detail Image for art Kissing the Shadows

Detail Image for art Kissing the Shadows


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