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Scotia, NY USA


Art: Babylon by Artist Aja
"Babylon" is one of those "happy accidents" disguised by a long, meditative work in progress. A love hate relationship between this piece and I persisted for what seemed like eons before the painting cried uncle and writhed into the organized chaos exhibited in the final product that stands before you. My minds eye likens the piece - with its eye catching complimentary color scheme and a sort of deep primordial ooze lifting from the bottom left of the canvas, attempting to engulf the pure greens and reds above - to the untamed jungle, the intense red of the summer sun peeking through the trees and brush piercing the scene.

This piece was created entirely with a palette knife with undiliuted oils paints applied directly onto the canvas and mixed from there. I have been asked why I named the piece "Babylon" - well, for abstract pieces such as these it's either a deep, meaningful, contemplative response or the complete and honest truth - it is named after the song I was listening to when the piece was finished. It seemed fitting.


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