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Art of the Day: Tuesday June 21, 2016


- by Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf

This week's theme: What A Piece Of Work Is Man

man (măn)
n. pl. men (mĕn)

  1. An adult male human.

Art: Dad by Artist Virginia Ann Zuelsdorf
This photograph portrays my father in his and my mother's bedroom. It's very meaningful to me: Dad was not Catholic, but put up with my Mother's ever-present reminders.

Sadly, Dad died a few years after this was taken. He was out hunting in Wisconsin and was found resting against a tree with his rifle.

I don't believe in coincidences. I believed I captured something that was to come. and I don't pretend to understand it.

Dad had a very Catholic funeral and wake per my mother's wishes.

I took this picture while I was in college. I went home and asked my family to pose for me. Amused, they complied with my requests. The results were amazing to me.

This photograph was taken with a Pentax Spotmatic SLR. I printed the photograph, using a very warm-toned paper made by Agfa Brovira. The only digital editing was spot removal and a small change of hue to match the piece.


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