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Art of the Day: Tuesday January 23, 2018

The Messenger

- by Elisa Hirt

This week's theme: The Fantastical World

fantastical \fan-ˈta-sti-kəl\

  1. Imaginative or fanciful; remote from reality.

Or, perhaps, not so remote.

Art: The Messenger by Artist Elisa Hirt
This little fella came and visited me in my back yard one summer evening. There are messages delivered to each of us... sometimes, our messengers are humans, sometimes they take on an animal form. Sometimes, they are seemingly insignificant events or encounters that will reveal the gravity of themselves at a later time.

There are messengers all around us. It is up to each to pay attention so that we may receive them.     

Detail Images

Detail Image for art The Messenger

The Messenger - detail 1.jpg

Detail Image for art The Messenger

The Messenger - detail 2.jpg


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