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Art of the Day: Wednesday June 15, 2005

Juicy Fruit Harvest

- by Jill Long

This week's theme: Dad

Father's Day is this Sunday and Art Of The Day is taking this week to say "Thank You" to all the men that have raised us, helped us create the people that we are and mean so much more than we will ever be able to fully express.

Happy Father's Day!

-Melissa Morton

Art: Juicy Fruit Harvest by Artist Jill Long
This piece is painted from one of the many old photos I collect. The way the grandfather and grandchild sit together waiting, not uncomfortably, reminds me of my own Granddad and our traditions which we waited on together. One in particular that I loved was the annual harvest of the sticks of Juicy Fruit gum from his backyard apple tree. It was magical and mystical, to me, that these individually wrapped sticks of fruit wonder would grow on his tree. Was it the fertilizer? The way the seedling was planted?

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Juicy Fruit Harvest

Detail Image for art Juicy Fruit Harvest


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