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Art of the Day: Tuesday March 15, 2011

chicken allegory [SOLD]

- by Angie Reed Garner

This week's theme: Chickens, Goats and Pigs

This is where something about the theme is found in the Art of the Day layout. Usually it's something informative or why that theme has been chosen. If you keep reading you'll notice that there's nothing like that here this week. Why? Because Chickens, Goats and Pigs is this week's Art of the Day theme for no particular reason other than it seemed like a good idea.

Art: chicken allegory [SOLD] by Artist Angie Reed Garner
This painting began as a commission for someone who gave me only these limitations-- please, include a rooster, a hen, and some chicks. But otherwise, do whatever you like. The best thing was painting and watching the story develop; depending on what mood I'm in and what I need at the moment, I can find different meanings-- which is an exciting thing in a painting about chickens! Perhaps ten years ago, in urban Portland, I kept three hens and enjoyed them enormously. Chickens seem to see life entirely fresh each day. While they never seem to remember much of anything, this gives them great enthusiasm for rediscovering the same old backyard anew, every single morning.


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