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Art of the Day: Tuesday November 26, 2013

Stormy Nights...

- by Selva Solimar

This week's theme: 50+ Shades of Grey

grey or gray (grey)
— adj
1. of a neutral tone, intermediate between black and white, that has no hue and reflects and transmits only a little light
- World English Dictionary

Art: Stormy Nights... by Artist Selva  Solimar
Our trip to Puerto Vallarta in 2008 was quite an experience. We wanted our time there to be more "normal" than touristy, so we went, with a group of friends, during off season. OMG, now we know why June is off season! The humidity, the heat, the bloating, the water retention and the exhaustion!

We stayed in a three-story house, only three blocks from the ocean, instead of staying in a hotel. Much to our surprise, the house had no central air's not usually necessary unless you're there in we were! It was a huge, gated, stucco house, surrounded by tropical plants that you could see from the large windows...the cool concrete floors were so familiar! These type of structures are very common in Venezuela.

Planning ahead for the type of fotos I wanted to bring back with me, I packed several fun props. This oversize mosquito netting canopy was one of those items, and it did a wonderful job as a makeshift door to our bedroom as well. Because of the high humidity, we slept with the doors to our bedroom open and the ceiling fans on super high, super fast.

It probably rained four of the ten days, but it was at night and the sound was sooo romantic...the smells, so nostalgic. We were on the second floor, and we would fall asleep listening to the rain splashing on the concrete right outside the door. We could feel that awesome cool wet breeze swoosh in, and hear the distant sound of the ocean waves! I wanted to capture the feeling of how I remember the netting dance with the slightest breath of air. So here it is...quiet, soothing.......grey.

Taken with a CyberShot DSC-F717 set on Night Shot.

Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing a print. Thanks for viewing!


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