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Art Show: The Winter Landscape

winter prairie lr lrg .jpg

by Alma Lee

Banner for The Winter Landscape art show

Art: winter prairie lr lrg .jpg by Artist Alma Lee
Winter Prairie was one of drive by shootings. It was sandwiched between two photos containing nothing but a gold blur, there it lied like a jewel in the rough. And how appropriate when you think of it, winter seems the same, we travel through one blizzard blur after another,but sometimes if you pause and look real close you will see the beauty of a prairie in the winter.

About this art:
size 10x20"
media: photography with digital enhancement and illustration
style: expressionism

Detail Images

Detail Image for art winter prairie lr lrg .jpg

winter prairie cup.jpg

Detail Image for art winter prairie lr lrg .jpg

winter prairie cup1.jpg


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