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Art Show: The Winter Landscape

A Winter's Night

by Carolyn Schiffhouer

Banner for The Winter Landscape art show

Art: A Winter's Night by Artist Carolyn Schiffhouer
A winter's night was created from a landscape picture taken of a church surrounded by snow.  It was a perfect serene scene and was so striking with the snow and the large tree.  I spent some time working on it in Photoshop.  The original snowy church scene was taken during the day, but during the process of layering and blending the layers it turned day into night.  I was pleased with this result.  I  worked some more on it to lighten and darken areas that needed more help to look realistic.  I think the glow of the windows added so much to the serenity of the scene.  I have entered this in the Winter Landscape show here at EBSQ.


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