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Art Show: Inspired by Tolkien

You can't see the Ents for the trees!

by Harlan

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Art: You can't see the Ents for the trees! by Artist Harlan
My brother Jay introduced me to Tolkien's work back in the '60s and I fell in love with his amazing imagination and how wonderful complete his imagined world was! He created so many memorable characters and beautifully described locations. 
I've always had a special fondness for his Ents. I live in a forest and I've always counted trees among my best friends. I know that sounds weird, but when you've lived with trees for decades and touched them and watch them as the change through the season, you develop a relationship with them! I'm facing the loss of one of my favorite trees. It needs to be brought safely down. I will miss its presence and its wonderful fall foliage (which has been the subject of one of my oil paintings).
This Ent painting doesn't quite look like my tree, but I hope it looks like the wise, gentle souls that are ents.


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