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Art Show: Springboard: Art Inspired by Art

I will bring you home

by Tina Marie Quatroni

Banner for Springboard: Art Inspired by Art art show

Art: I will bring you home by Artist Tina Marie Quatroni

My art inspirations come from various locales. Artists, family, friends..and just my life experiences are to name a few.

My latest inspiration tho has come from an artist of the future...Robert Dowling. His surrealism, and deep emotional pieces of darkness and sadness has inspired me to look more at family. His dark pieces almost always feature a child and her teddy bear..which brought me feelings of regret and remorse for how my family has been broken apart.

This piece represents the child in me who at times has been lost in her values of family. I watch the members in my family grow apart everyday by useless arguments and animosities. I miss my grandmother who was the rock that kept this family in unison. In my piece my grandmother is the fairy coming to rescue me in my time of loss and confusions to bring me home..the place I have wandered from emotionally and mentally.

This piece was created digitally using softwares Bryce and Daz Studio for 3D computer generated models, Jasc PSP 8, Auto FX filters and Flexify Filters for color enhamncements and distortions. Plus added chaulk filters for drawing effect.


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