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Art Show: 1001 Nights: The Stories Of Scheherazade

Open Sesame

by Lisa Thornton Whittaker

Banner for 1001 Nights: The Stories Of Scheherazade art show

Art: Open Sesame by Artist Lisa Thornton Whittaker
"Then he thought within himself: "I too will try the virtue of those magical words and see if at my bidding the door will open and close." So he called out aloud, "Open, Sesame!" And no sooner had he spoken than straightway the portal flew open and he entered within. He saw a large cavern and a vaulted, in height equaling the stature of a full-grown man, and it was hewn in the live stone and, lighted up with light that came through air holes and bull's-eyes in the upper surface of the rock which formed the roof. He had expected to find naught save outer gloom in this robbers' den, and he was surprised to see the whole room filled with bales of all manner stuffs, and heaped up from sole to ceiling with camelloads of silks and brocades and embroidered cloths and mounds on mounds of varicolored carpetings. Besides which, he espied coins golden and silvern without measure or account, some piled upon the ground and others bound in learthern bags and sacks. Seeing these goods and moneys in such abundance, Ali Bab determined in his mind that not during a few years only but for many generations thieves must have stored their gains and spoils in this place." --Ali Baba and the Fourty Theives

I chose to illstrate this moment when Ali Baba came down from the tree and bravely tried to replicate the magic he witnessed of the pack of robbers. This si the moment inthe story when Ali Baba is no longer a by-stander but an active participant in this story of plundering. This is a digital rendering created on photoshop.


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