I discovered this special little rock years ago, probably back in 2000 -- and considered it a wonderful find. While very petite (a mere 4" tall), I immediately recognized the wee figure contained within it -- a small being of one kind or another, perhaps even cloaked. Mother Nature had been particularly clever with this one -- the 'head' was perfectly proportioned, and the 'shoulders' exquisitely defined. I could hardly wait to get started....
After a bit of experimentation in the studio however, I found myself frustratingly stumped. Despite what seemed like a promising start, this little fellow did not seem to want to easily reveal itself. Just exactly what did it 'want' to be anyway? Attempting several different approaches, but never really feeling satisfied, I set the rock aside for long periods of time over the years, uncompleted -- eventually even forgetting about it....
It was upon learning the theme of this show however, that something finally clicked. Deciding to participate, I was reflecting on what I might do for it when I suddenly recalled my stubborn little rock from so long ago. Turns out I've had the lovely 'Scheherazade' on my shelf all these years -- who knew...??? Well, it was worth the wait in any case. I'm happy to report that with this latest go around, she practically painted herself! (And I do wish you could see her in person - these fuzzy, flat photographs hardly do her justice)....
Typically, a rock... is just a rock. But sometimes, when luck smiles upon me, very special ones reveal themselves. Then I 'see' rock people, little figures hidden within the naturally formed bumps, corners and crevices of ordinary stones -- Nature's very own sculpture. With the help of a bit of paint, I enjoy 'liberating' these unique wee folk for others to enjoy as well.....(for more rock 'people', please visit my portfolio)...
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