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Art Show: 5th Annual Ripped Off Show

RIP of VisualModality's Fire Meditation Mandala

by Kelly Olivia Brand

Banner for 5th Annual Ripped Off Show art show

Art: RIP of  VisualModality's Fire Meditation Mandala by Artist Kelly Olivia Brand
This is my RIP of Tina Maravelis' Fire Meditation Mandala. Her original is digital, and I thought it had a lovely organic feel that would translate well into oil pastels.

I loosely interpreted the mandala, without using any guides or outlines to create the circles or shapes. The oil pastels give the rip a deep, rich color along with a smooth finish. I thought that it would be a great finish to compliment Tina's digital piece.

I had a wonderful time working on this...I hope that Tina enjoys it.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art RIP of  VisualModality's Fire Meditation Mandala

Detail Image for art RIP of  VisualModality's Fire Meditation Mandala

Tina's beautiful original!


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