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Art Show: 5th Annual Ripped Off Show

Drunken Prissy

by Noelle Hunt

Banner for 5th Annual Ripped Off Show art show

Art: Drunken Prissy  by Artist Noelle Hunt
MY Rip is of Vicky Knowels (Platypus) original art work "Prissy".

I thought making the kitty a Pitty Kitty type would be in accordance my "style" . I traded day for night, and because I'm much "sloppier" than Vicky's beautiful work my prissy is spilling everything... that and the fact she's been supping on MARTINIS all day long while ridding a floating pear... it's enough to make any girl spill a drink..or two.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Drunken Prissy

Vicky Knowels (Platypus) original art work

Detail Image for art Drunken Prissy

tiny sharp teeth

Detail Image for art Drunken Prissy

floating pears


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