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Art Show: Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials

The Armor

by Aldo A del Bosque

Banner for Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials art show

Art: The Armor  by Artist Aldo A del Bosque
This was in an old painting that was going to the dump, but I give it a second chance by adding a different look. The Armour on the child is from cut tin cans, the wings are from an old plastic sign and acrylic painting was added, also in the back is a recycled wood board to support the nails in the painting. The armor represents a shield from this world, and things that our children face on these days like: drugs, violence, pornography, and hate. The red in the background represents the evil things of the world and the white wings represents hope and freedom.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art The Armor


Detail Image for art The Armor

Detail Image for art The Armor


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