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Art Show: Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials

Recycled Sin

by Cynthia Gaub

Banner for Repurposed: Art from Recycled Materials art show

Art: Recycled Sin by Artist Cynthia  Gaub
Created for the EBSQ Recycled show using scraps of paper and fabric.

These scraps were either already in my art studio recycle bin or soon destined to go there. They are bits and pieces left over from other collage pieces. Most of the paper and fabric was originally donated to me by a couple of other artists that were clearing out their stashes and didn't want to throw stuff out.

Each of the 8 squares is 6.5"h x 8"w and arranged in a grid. They were sewn to recycled cardstock and trimmed. The trimmings of each piece then went on to be part of the next piece until they were too small to handle. There are a total of 20 squares that I made in this series. and in the interest of more recycling... NEXT, They will all become pages in a book about the seven deadly sins.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Recycled Sin

Detail Image for art Recycled Sin


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