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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Daisies

Wild Daisies in Red

by Jennifer Lommers

Banner for Flower of the Month: Daisies art show

Art: Wild Daisies in Red by Artist Jennifer Lommers

I always come back to wildflower images, especially enjoying those of unkempt, natural environments. This painting also represents my favorite style of painting with thick layers of paint building up to a final finish that allows the previous colors to peek thru, creating more depth and variety thru the paint, instead of the subject only. I also enjoy working from memory in order to conentrate on the brushstrokes themselves, and not the likeness of the flowers to actual varieties. This approach is freer, more relaxed, and provides less complexity to the image, but more complexity in the shapes and edges of the lines within the painting.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Wild Daisies in Red

Detail Image for art Wild Daisies in Red


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