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Art Show: Flower of the Month: Cyclamen

Cyclamen and Violin


Banner for Flower of the Month: Cyclamen art show

Art: Cyclamen and Violin by Artist
I have been doing lots of rubber stamp art and other paper crafts, and so I cut out scrapbooking paper for the leaves and petals of the plant. I used gold paint to imitate the look of gold embossing around the leaves. The plant's pot has some old sheet music under layers of paint (actual vintage music I used to play off!); I used fabric and beads in the centre of some of the background flowers, and for details in the bottom half of the painting, which I attached using acrylic medium. This was a fun piece to work on, and since other things take so much longer (i.e. quilting and beading) I will probably continue mixing craft techniques into my paintings--much quicker results!

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Cyclamen and Violin

paper layered for flowers

Detail Image for art Cyclamen and Violin

texture (beads, sawdust)


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