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Art Show: Classic Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy Art


by Brian William Hastings

Banner for Classic Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy Art art show

Art: Apollo by Artist Brian William Hastings

He sits in the stars, a being comprised of the very flames of the sun, beholding all his light has reach.

This was a very interesting endeavor from the get go. When I started it I belived all I would have to do is layer three different images. Boy was I wrong.

Indeed this is actually three different layers...The first being a picture of a male figure, the second was a close up of the sun's surface, and the third was a nebula.

The odd thing was that no matter how hard I tried I could not get the layers to blend together the way I intended. Back when I did this I didn't know the various techniques that I know now. So it became that this was the first of my digital collage painting techniques.

After a day of atempting to figure out a way to just layer the three images I finally gave up and merged the three as they were (which wasn't good lol). Then I whipped out what was to become my trusty cloning tool.

The original male figure dissapeared beneath the fire. The originl stance of the figure was actually a man with his back turned but by the time I painted the flames at certain angles the figure became a front pose with added locks of solar fire hair.

I then used repetive patterns of the nebula over and over again throughout the background to give it that true fantasy appearance.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Apollo

The face of Apollo

Detail Image for art Apollo

The repeated cloned nebula pattern

Detail Image for art Apollo


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