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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

77 In The Shade (sold)

by Judy Watt

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: 77 In The Shade (sold) by Artist Judy Watt
We're having a heat wave, and it was hot in the studio because no one has air-condtioning in San Franciso. A scrap of old paper with the number 77 was lying on my work table when I started this piece. It's just that simple - in this case the typography in the collage is quite literal. It reflects a moment in time when it was 77 in the shade. No deep, hidden meaning - simply colors and textures and forms and the number 77... so it's more like a visual journal page, but it happened to be created on a piece of canvas board rather than in a sketchbook.


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