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Art Show: Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art

True Love #2

by Jennifer Lynn Petosa

Banner for Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art art show

Art: True Love #2 by Artist Jennifer Lynn Petosa
I don't like to interpret too much about my triangles paintings. How do you interpret this painting? Is it a positive or a negative painting for you? Is it coming together or breaking apart? Which did you see first? Do the colors draw you in or make you overt your eyes quickly? If the latter, what colors would you change them to? I chose to incorporate the words "True Love" into my triangles theme to illustrate the nature of our feelings towards true love. It can have the effect of appearing that love is shattered in your life if you see it as breaking apart. If you see the triangles as coming together into one like cells, then it might mean that things are coming together in a positive way with regards to true love. I like how the letters change colors as they weave in and out of the triangles.


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