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Art Show: Seven Deadly Sins

Picture Window: The Seven Deadly Sins - JAS Original

by Julie A Smith

Banner for Seven Deadly Sins art show

Art: Picture Window:  The Seven Deadly Sins - JAS Original by Artist Julie  A Smith
Sloth, Pride, Greed, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Lust. Here is a scenic window view representing the seven deadly sins, American style. The hotdog is to represent America and Mr. Corporate is hoarding it to himself while the two twins drool and the homeless man yearns with starving eyes. Scooter, the school kid is about to explode, while Peeping Tom can't get enough eye candy...and way on top is Mrs. Jones and her lazy husband, but they are very proud of their situation since everyone is trying to keep up with them.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Picture Window:  The Seven Deadly Sins - JAS Original

Sloth, Pride, Greed, and Envy

Detail Image for art Picture Window:  The Seven Deadly Sins - JAS Original

Gluttony, Wrath, and Lust

Detail Image for art Picture Window:  The Seven Deadly Sins - JAS Original



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