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Art Show: 3 Poets: Dickinson, Poe, & cummings

The Raven-on ebay

by H. Hinkle

Banner for 3 Poets: Dickinson, Poe, & cummings art show

Art: The Raven-on ebay by Artist H. Hinkle
I chose the paint The Raven from Poe's most familar poem. Years ago I moved into a home that had a stuffed raven on it's mantel piece. We kept that thing around for years, since it just came with the house. It always kind of gave me the creeps. Finally , one day , my cat knocked it's head off. I was happy to no longer have those eyes looking at me. Strange, but true...

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Detail Image for art The Raven-on ebay

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Detail Image for art The Raven-on ebay



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