Fair river! in thy bright, clear flow
Of crystal, wandering water,
Thou art an emblem of the glow
Of beauty- the unhidden heart-
The playful maziness of art
In old Alberto's daughter;
But when within thy wave she looks-
Which glistens then, and trembles-
Why, then, the prettiest of brooks
Her worshipper resembles;
For in his heart, as in thy stream,
Her image deeply lies-
His heart which trembles at the beam
Of her soul-searching eyes.
To The River by Edgar Allen Poe 1849
The works of Poe have always inspired me. I think this was started by my musical interest and Alan Parsons Project. It is amazing the way we can be moved to create by other artists in a different medium. I find that very rewarding, to have the idea then create the work.
This is a photograph made in Mt. Rainier National Park of Christine Falls. This river makes it's way into the Nisqually and down to Puget Sound. Enjoy.Thank you for viewing this piece!
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