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Electrodynamic Chess Match

by Kim Loberg

Surrealism Art Gallery

Art: Electrodynamic Chess Match by Artist Kim Loberg
This piece was created using three words: Electrodynamic, Diocesan and Nonjuror. The chess board is electromagnetic, showing the electric current of the squares pulling away from each other, like a silent game of tug of war. The bishop represents the diocesan because he has power over the diosese. Lastly, the knight (horse) chess piece represents a nonjuror, who is a person that refuses to take an oath of allegiance.

Just as every chess game has two seperate sides "at war" with each other, so does my watercolor painting. The white Knight defiantly raises his hooves in the air, refusing to relinquish control to the opposing Bishop who stands guard over a Queen, King and Pawn.

This piece is matted, framed and includes a protective plexiglass non-glare covering.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Electrodynamic Chess Match

Knight detail.

Detail Image for art Electrodynamic Chess Match

Bishop detail.

Detail Image for art Electrodynamic Chess Match

Detail of other chess pieces.


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