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Goddess Oracle Deck

by Karin Elizabeth Weiss

Assemblage Mixed Media Art Gallery

Art: Goddess Oracle Deck by Artist Karin Elizabeth Weiss
This is a series of images based on my unpublished book, "Sex and the Goddess" which explores the inter-relationship of sensuality and spirituality in women's lives. There are eight basic "archetypes"-- Mother, Maiden, Wildwoman, Muse, Lover, Companion, Warrior, and Wise Woman. Each of these have three "character masks" worn by women in the various roles we play in our lives. My images derive from a mixture of myth, mystical-occult, and fantasy. The deck is designed for intuitive meditation, somewhat like tarot, but unique. Each card has a short essay description on the back. I have printed, laminated, and produced a few of these decks using my home desktop publishing and high quality printer. They are available for sale in my eBay store, or can be printed to order on a commission basis. Following are examples of three of the eight "groups" of images. An eight-phase lunar cycle underlies the order ane theme for the entire series. My "Moon Paintings" series are also part of this work and explain the meanings behind this universal cycle. All of this work has grown out of my lifelong study of astrology.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Goddess Oracle Deck

Mother Archetype group

Detail Image for art Goddess Oracle Deck

Lover Archetype group

Detail Image for art Goddess Oracle Deck

Muse Archetype group


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