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Editor's note: While the below article was written specifically with the online auction in mind, we feel that the advice given also pertains to online art presentation in general.

The importance of pictures shown in your auction is vital puzzle in the outcome of the sale.

Most people like to feel like they are actually holding that piece of art. They want to see the texture, the size, the edges; they want to be able to investigate the piece like it was in their hands. This refers to the art on stretchers, but close up details still apply to cloth canvas artworks too, of course.

Besides the fact that some people are already leery about purchasing things online, you want to help demystify them from hesitating from purchasing from you. You want to gain their trust, and help them understand the product/artwork you are offering in full.

They want to know what they are getting! Simple as that.


So, be as extremely detailed in your description as you can.

What materials were used?
What year was it created?
Does it come with anything extra?
What colors did you use?
What size is it and how thick are the edges?
Is it on stretchers or just cloth canvas?
And so on....

With pictures, be elaborate. Show the edges, the picture from the sides, a view in a room (especially your own for clarity is scale), close ups, and more close-ups...particularly of key parts of the painting that make the painting desirable to purchase.

I'm an information junkie. I love to find auctions that offer you all the info you can get on an item that's for sale. I want to know that it's exactly what I want, or that the item exactly as described. Seeing multiple pictures of the item at different angles and lighting is really exciting. Helps me understand the condition or size of the item, and its color, because colors vary from monitor to monitor.

The details of your auction will help give customers trust in you that you are delivering what you offer, and in turn will interest them to see more. It overall increases the attractiveness of your auction listing, and in turn helps create a professional presentation that is admirable by customers and sellers alike.

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