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victoria kloch

San Francisco Bay Area Ca. USA

True Love Never Dies

This piece of art won Patron's Choice award in the art exhibit Tattoos

Art: True Love Never Dies by Artist victoria kloch
Model: My daughter

Tattoos by tattoo artist Cory Norris

Photograph by Victoria Kloch

I needed to come up with something special for my sister's December birthday.

She loves tattoos,

nude portraits,

her birth flower a Poinsettia,

and she loves her niece.

Every tat has a meaning. The heart and dagger depicts true love never dies. This particular style would be considered "Sailor Jerry" old school.

Now that I look back on that cold day in December when we had the photo shoot. My daughter was a really good sport about putting up with the brisk weather and ME.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art True Love Never Dies

heart and dagger, color tinted in photo shop

Detail Image for art True Love Never Dies


Detail Image for art True Love Never Dies

arm band


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