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victoria kloch

San Francisco Bay Area Ca. USA

zen . simply . is - Sold

Art: zen . simply . is - Sold by Artist victoria kloch

The moment is now. Not yesterday or tomorrow. This is a minimal style painting with simplistic design, let strong in presence. Background colors are yellow and green in abstract form, with a single line of red in front.

I used professional grade acrylic paints and acrylic mediums for added textures to create my signature glazes and textures. Sides of the canvas are painted with the continuation of detail as well as textures. I use artist archival quality stretched canvas with staple-free edges, triple coats of gesso primed.

This painting has two coats of matte varnish with combination of glossy. All paintings come with A Certificate of Authenticity for insurance purposes, plus signatures on both sides of canvas. Painting will be complete and ready to hang upon arrival to your home.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art zen . simply . is - Sold

Detail Image for art zen . simply . is - Sold

Detail Image for art zen . simply . is - Sold


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