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john christopher borrero

New York City

John in Wibbley World

Art: John in Wibbley World by Artist john christopher borrero
This is my entry to the Late show, which was originally to be my entry into the Portrait Swap with Vicky Knowles.

When Vicky and I decided to do the portrait swap together, she gave me permission to wander over and spend some time in Wibbley World, the land of all things Wibbley.

So, I took a stroll over there, and once my eyes had grown accustomed to all the colors that we don’t have on my website, I absolutely fell in love with Lunchbox (the squirrel) and Bloo (the elephant). I played with them for a while and got to know them, but I wanted to draw them, and for that I needed to bring them over into my world, which is not as Wibbley but still as nice in its own quirky way.

But, Lunchbox and Bloo weren’t budging. So, in desperation, I lured Lunchbox and Bloo into my wagon with some bright red licorice, hitched the wagon up to my bicycle, and rode with them over to my world… a place where the color palate is much more limited, and OK, maybe it’s a place where Wibbley folk might get a little freaked out.

But, I reasoned that it would be a quick visit. And I didn’t think Vicky would notice, because there were so many lovely colorful creatures in Wibbley World already. Boy, was I wrong, because she noticed RIGHT AWAY and came right after them.

I tried to convince her to leave them with me, but she could see that Lunchbox and Bloo were kinda spooked and Lunchbox missed his lunch pail and diaper, and so she wasn’t having it. She said “Out of my way, John. I’m taking my babies back home”. Well, I don’t have to tell you that when a Momma says something like that, you get out of her way, and that’s what I did. And that was the last I saw of Lunchbox and Bloo.

But, that last memory stuck in my head, and this is a portrait of Vicky taking her babies back across the border to Wibbley World. I’ll miss them. But, I checked on her website, and saw that they are back there where they belong and that they seem well, so I’m glad they made it back OK.

Thanks for partnering with me Vicky!

Don't know Vicky's stuff? Check it out at

Detail Images

Detail Image for art John in Wibbley World


Detail Image for art John in Wibbley World


Detail Image for art John in Wibbley World



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