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Windi Rosson

GA...In the sticks. USA

Lemon Drop Martini

Art: Lemon Drop Martini by Artist Windi Rosson

Available on Etsy

___What is Art Skrapâ„¢?___

I am a professional painter and was looking for a way to use up the acrylic paint I had left over from painting sessions.
I started Art Skrapâ„¢ Designs up with the intention of making a truly distinctive line of jewelry. It became an "environmentally friendly" line of jewelry, since the acrylic paint
used in these pieces would normally be tossed into the trash. As there is no way to properly recycle the left over acrylic paint.

~Item: "Lemon Drop Martini"
Art Skrapâ„¢ Pendant and Earring Set.
Earring Size Approx. 1/4 of and inch
Pendant Size Approx. 1/2 of one inch by 2 inches long


Most Art Skrapâ„¢ Products are photographed outside in natural lighting. Some variations in color & brightness may appear.

All items are "one of a kind" I can not duplicate item

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Lemon Drop Martini


Detail Image for art Lemon Drop Martini



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