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Vicky Knowles

Basking Ridge, NJ


Art: Cinderelephant by Artist Vicky Knowles

This is that famous scene in Cinderelephant - you know the one, where she's walking her pig & her fairy godmother appears out of nowhere to grant her some wishes and help her meet Prince Charming at the ball in the magic fairytale castle. I don't know if I'd trust that fairy godmother, she looks kind of tricky & a little bit scary to me, although Cinderelephant seems to like her (or maybe she's just liking that pretty yellow dress she gave her). I think the pumpkin is a little apprehensive, he doesn't look overjoyed at the prospect of being turned into a stagecoach.

This painting was created for the January, 2005 Nibblefest contest, "Fairy Tales"


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