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Tori Siegel

Artist's Profile

For Baltimore artist Tori Siegel, it all started when she was just 2 years old. Armed with a crayon and a blank piece of paper, she drew her very first blue elephant.

Today, her art is sophisticated and refined yet its playful attitude remains the focus.
Her work is a mix between pop art and cubism. It is vibrant, energetic and boasts refreshing bursts of color, while the subject matter remains abstract and unpredictable.

Tori's fascination with color's power over the senses and moods and the way it reacts with other objects made color theory the logical focus of her studies and graphic design the foundation of her artistic style.

Her understanding of color, shape and form accentuate the feel of each piece while retaining the artistic fingerprint in which she has so skillfully developed.

It is this unique "fingerprint" that has helped her sell well over 500 paintings since 2000, including pieces sold worldwide to Germany, Australia, Italy and Norway!

With her abstract concepts and advanced comprehension for line quality and color, Tori continues to develop her craft. Whether she's using acrylic on canvas or crayon on paper… you never know what's gonna' "pop" up next.

To view or purchase more of Tori's work go to or search through her e-bay listings via her e-bay ID, Tori!

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