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Tina Marie Ferguson

North Carolina Foothills USA

Jiving Jenny Ripped

Art: Jiving Jenny Ripped by Artist Tina Marie Ferguson
This doll is ripped from Andrea Dodwell’s JIVING JENNY MOUSE. I wanted to make a doll for this show and Jenny Mouse looked like she was trying to dance her way off the canvas. So, I helped her along. The only limitation I placed on myself for this project was NOT to buy any new supplies. (Not too hard since I own a lot of stuff for making other stuff, LOL) This girl started out as a muslin doll blank. I cut off the regular circular head and added a longer, more angular one. Then I primed, sanded, painted, and sanded the entire doll. Then I painted some more to touch up and add detail. I cut her skirt from cotton fabric that is adhered to her torso just under the arms. It has rick rack and lace accents. She also has a hair bow from the same fabric. Finally I painted the Klimt like circles and dots on her dress. This little doll was time consuming but really fun to make.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Jiving Jenny Ripped

Detail Image for art Jiving Jenny Ripped

Detail Image for art Jiving Jenny Ripped


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