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So Jeo LeBlond

Scotsburn, Nova Scotia Canada

Kashan Bazaar II

Art: Kashan Bazaar II by Artist So Jeo LeBlond
This series was inspired by the beautiful handwoven Persian rugs produced in Iran and surrounding areas. Their intricate patterns and flowing florals are mesmerizing to look at and apply wonderfully to the natural shape of an egg.

This particular egg is the first in this series and is only the 8th original design that I have released to the public for 2009. It features an intricately detailed ivory cross surrounded by delicate blue flowers and fall oak leaves. This egg is etched to enhance the design, some areas are raised against the background to create a three dimensional effect. Nine shades of dyes were used not including the natural white of the egg.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Kashan Bazaar II

Detail Image for art Kashan Bazaar II

Detail Image for art Kashan Bazaar II


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