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Sherry Key


Legendary Texas Jackalope-Sold

Art: Legendary Texas Jackalope-Sold by Artist Sherry Key

Legendary Texas Jackalope complete with Jackalope hunting permit.(see other photos). He's wearing a blue lonestar.(something he probably got stuck to his antler when being chased on a west Texas ranch). Considered a fearsome creature and not afraid to use it's horns in a fight.

The milk of a Jackalope is thought to be an aphrodisiac, but milking one is dangerous and not recommended. Jackalopes are a cross between a jack rabbit and an antelope.

This little guy comes with your very own hunting permit (you are only allowed to use tranquilizer darts). (Tranquilizing a Jackalope would only be useful if you were going to milk one). Just tell me what name you want on the permit, otherwise I will just put the name of the buyer. For sale on Ebay.

These little art cards take me a minimum of 2-3 hours to complete. Originals are shipped in a rigid plastic sleeve to U.S. and Canada.

Detail Images

Detail Image for art Legendary Texas Jackalope-Sold

You will receive a permit

Detail Image for art Legendary Texas Jackalope-Sold

Example-NFS-copyright S. Key


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